Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ron Paul within ‘hailing’ distance of Obama

Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) is within "hailing" distance of President Obama, according to a poll released Friday.
The latest telephone survey by the conservative-leaning Rasmussen Reports puts Paul only 4 points behind Obama at 37 percent to the president’s 41 percent, doing better than a majority of the other Republican contenders.
“This is more exciting news for Dr. Paul’s supporters,” said Ron Paul 2012 spokesman Jesse Benton. “As we’ve been seeing in poll after poll, Americans are sick of the status quo and are eager to support a leader who stands for constitutionally limited government and individual liberty. Ron Paul is that leader.”
Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachmann, and Rick Perry are also within "hailing" distance of Obama. Romney has a one point lead over Obama at 43 percent to the president’s 42 percent. Perry trails the president by 5 points and Bachmann trails by 6 points.
Former CEO of Godfather's Pizza Herman Cain and former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman both only pick up 28 percent of the vote against Obama. Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum trails Obama by 14 points.
Paul recently announced he would resign his post in the House of Representatives to fully devote himself to a presidential run. His campaign raised $4.5 million in the second quarter of 2011.
His TV advertising campaign in early caucus and primary states promises to refuse to compromise on cutting spending and balancing the budget.

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